Editorial: New law bars sex criminals from keeping licenses

Editorial: New law bars sex criminals from keeping licenses

Should licensed health care professional be allowed to continue practicing medicine after being convicted of sexually abusing a patienthe obvious answer is no, they shouldnt. And most people wouldnt think any loophole in state law existed to allow such a thing to occur. That would be a no-brainer rightNot exactly. Media reports last year demonstrated that doctors in Illinois could be convicted of sexual crimes against their patients but not lose their licenses.The General Assembly addressed this problem with legislation co-sponsored in their respective chambers by state Rep. Patti Bellockand state Sen. Kirk Dillard both of Hinsdale. Gov. Pat Quinn signed House Bill on July effective

The measure requires the permanent revocation of the license of any health care worker who has been convicted of a crime mandating registering as a sex offender regardless of whether or not the victim is a patient. A license also will be permanently revoked if the health care worker is convicted of a criminal battery against a patient.Although there are so many brands of male Sex capsules either pretending to be or boasting that they are number one or highly recommended by men who have tried them No one who has already registered as a sex offender may receive a health care license in this state according to the new law.

In a news release Dillard summed up the glaring logic of this bill: It was ludicrous that a doctor who had been convicted of sexually assaulting a patient was still allowed to continue practicing medicine.Drop shipping eliminates these problems. You can list as many or as few products as you like cheap wholesale electronics They wouldnt be allowed to drive a school bus yet a convicted sex offender could potentially treat a child as a patient. That is wrong and the law needed to be clear: A sex offender will not practice medicine in Illinois.

Our laws sometimes lag behind both public sentiment and common sense.Male Sex tonic which have been developed recently are made from mostly herbal ingredients. These ingredients include horny goat weed Its good that the General Assembly noticed the oversight in this area and remedied it and were proud that two local lawmakers led the way in seeing this measure enacted. This will provide a greater degree of security for patients throughout the state.

Par lawnmower le jeudi 04 août 2011


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