Parents Lose Children Over Obesity?
Let consider this: if a parent
procures marijuana for a child and lets him her smoke it in the home, that
parent stands a damn good chance of losing custody right Now, what are the
relative health risks of doing that a few times relative to consistently
providing a child with food that leads to extreme obesity Significantly worse on
the food side. And after all the drug laws are aimed to protect the citizens
from the scourge of drug laws right.The problem I have with arguing this is that
I dont necessarily favor the former as policy either But if we establish that
laws to take custody are to protect a child then I can absolutely see it.
Lets put it another way: a parent who leaves his her child in the middle
of the highway would lose custody, even his he she didnt realize that it was
dangerous. Hard to see how allowing conditions that created the kind of
dangerous obesity in this child is any different. My wife has watched a show
called Too Fat for often Not that this is definitive.You can find some topnotch
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the bullying, the peer pressure the advertising Please. The houses are filled
with the worst crap foods, and the moms are usually obese as well. So attacking
the parents as the source of this problem makes sense. And failing to do so
because of other factors is ludicrous nothing on this earth happens for a single
reason so that rationale for failing to act would mean no government
intervention at all for anything ever.
Lainie Ross a medical ethicist at
the University of Chicago, said: Theres a stigma with state intervention We just
have to do it with caution and humility and make sure we really can say that our
interventions are going to do more good than harm.Caution and humility. This is
not a case of big bad government wanting to interfere with parenting. This is an
example of the government acknowledging that just having sex and carrying a baby
term does not make one a successful smart parent But in this situation the
government is not demanding of people to be successful smart parents They are
demanding people to be parents who do not allow medical harm to come to their
Medical harm.In some countries, it may take a large investment
to start a corporation. Startup Sex
pills in Hong Kong are among the lowest to be found. This makes the prospect
of new business, very attractive. These are not children who are pounds
overweight These are not children who have an extra snack after school. The
at-risk children addressed in this article have diabetes, breathing problems
high cholesterol and blood pressure. These are children who are morbidly obese
at years old. These are children whose lives are threatened as a result of
excessive weight. When a life is threatened it is time for intervention.
If a parent was intentionally starving a child there would be no
question of neglect.When you setup a Hong Kong business, you must have at least
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that shareholder does not have to be a Hong Kong resident. It is time to
classify irresponsible food availability in the same category. But there are
many causes for this irresponsibility including lack of knowledge economic
difficulty or no oversight As with all government intervention, these causes
should be addressed before removing a child from his her parents. But in drastic
and dangerous situations that removal will be necessary with caution and
humility as the guideposts.
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